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3 Secrets to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

3 Secrets to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs is an informative post on how to identify and overcome your limitations in three easy steps. 

The Problems Caused by Limiting Beliefs

We are frequently unaware of our belief system and how it affects our thinking and behaviour. 

There is always a cause and an effect; our limiting beliefs prevent us from obtaining the things we desire most.

Too many people cling to their limiting beliefs they are not talented enough to achieve their objectives because. 

They waste money, time, relationships, and life passions based on their fear of failure, unworthiness or success.

What are Limiting Beliefs

The only limits you have are the limits You Believe-Wayne Dyer

Limiting beliefs are the negative thoughts you had for years believing they are true and part of your normal routine. 

You do not consider or realise the things that they shut down, such as your self-identity, because you believe them. 

Limiting ideas, attitudes and beliefs, are the false ideas, sentiments and convictions you may have about yourself and your abilities. 

They prevent you from reaching your full potential since you are unaware of these limiting views.

The Common Limiting Beliefs

-You believe, “If I don’t work hard enough or apply myself, my efforts will be pointless.” 

-Perhaps may tell yourself, “I’m too old to get a new job,” 

-You might have decided, “I am just not the type of person who can learn a new skill.”

-Believing people don’t like you or feeling not good enough and you feel the need to be liked by everyone.

What Type of Negative Talk You Engage in Daily

Many negative talk lie there, such as “I’m not good enough to succeed.” You can drag yourself down by reaffirming a prior belief, such as ,“I always mess this up.”

To understand how negative self-talk affects your life and how to silence them, check my latest blog post Best Ways To Silence Your Negative Voices.

Where Your Limiting Beliefs Originate

Your limiting beliefs may have developed in various settings throughout your life, such as when you were a youngster.

They have an impact on both personal and professional areas.

How can you use the memories of the past to create your future? 

Just accept them as reality by repeating the past rather than focusing on what you could do differently instead.

Everything Starts From Within…

don't give up. You are not alone, you matter signage on metal fence
Don’t give up

I know how it feels to allow negative thinking and limiting beliefs to take control of your life.

Like you, I used to generalise about many things, such as ” I wasn’t good enough to learn to drive or write my first book”. Guess what, thinking these negative thoughts didn’t help me one bit!

It did not make me feel better or more powerful; it was just making things worst.

Thinking negatively just ” drew “more negative things,” which had a detrimental influence on both my personal and professional life.

As a result, I’ve been looking into and training on how to control my attitude and actions for many years. It was a time-consuming trial-and-error process for me. And learn the secrets that I’m going to share with you now, I had to put in many years, money, and effort.

I began to recognise my own negative thoughts and develop a positive attitude and winner mentality. 

Learn more about how to master your mind on my latest post: Best Ways to Silence Your Negative Voices. Because of this, not only did I write and publish my first book, but I also started assisting others in improving their thinking and achieving their goals!

I have become a Master in NLP to help more people break free from their barriers and phobias. Now, my mission is to assist you in achieving goals and living your dreams by overcoming your limiting beliefs.

In chapter 6 of Your Future Starts Today book I discuss how to turn your limitations into possibilities and become your greatest. You can check more Here.

The 3 Secrets To Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

#1 Secret: Identify the Limiting Belief and its Cause

Concentrate on one limiting notion, a negative idea you or others have told yourself. “I am not good enough to learn to speak a new language” is an example. Now, ask yourself:

  • What is my limiting thought?
  • “I’m not good enough to learn a new language.”
  • What is the evidence that I must tell myself and believe, “I am not capable of learning a new language”?
  • “Do I evaluate myself according to my past performance?”
  • Is this belief genuine or exaggerated? How am I able to tell? “I tell myself often or others think about me in this manner.”
  • Is it true that I should continue to believe/think this way?
  • “It is a limitation and prevents me from progressing.”
  • Has anybody ever disregarded or misinterpreted this idea? If so, describe the circumstance.
  • E.g., “Yes, previously I used to generalize thoughts based on my past.”
  • What does this idea prevent me from doing? For example, “It prevents me from learning a new language”

Please ensure to respond honestly since this is an important step in the direction of changing your thoughts.

#2 Secret: Reframe Your Thinking Pattern

Take a moment to reflect on the following questions and write down your answers. Then challenge yourself with an empowering/motivational statement.

  • Consider the following example: “I have a strong desire to learn Japanese and I am confident because I know that if I put my mind to it, I can do anything. After all, what situation or experience could I use to back up a new empowering belief such as “I am competent/confident enough to learn ?”
  • How wonderful and confident, I will feel when I adopt this new empowering and motivational belief? Imagine the benefits of feeling stronger, being confident and the best at what you thought you weren’t good enough.
  • Who is my role model that have achieved to overcome their limitations and now they are confident and successful? 
  • As an example, my role model was and still is, one of the best motivational speaker and author, Les Brown, as he did overcome its limitations of thinking is not good enough to speak in public being labelled as mentally retarded in fifth grade. However, he also conquered cancer so many times and it is a real example that everything in life is possible when you believe!

#3 Secret: How to Develop an Empowering Thinking Pattern

I’m going to show you how to use your imagination and questioning abilities and form an empowering thinking pattern.

Consider these questions and write down your answers.

  • “How many wonderful things will happen to me if I hold this new empowering belief of being the best at this and use it daily?”  
  • Imagine how empowered you will feel if you use this motivational and new belief each day.
  • “How much do I smile and enjoy each moment without limits?” Make it a habit to be excellent because repetition equals excellence.

E.g., Think about practising this belief/thought every day or as often as you can, so much that you will not just empower yourself to believe in unlimited possibilities available out there, however, to think of overcoming another limiting belief.

  • What other situations could I benefit from an empowering mindset? For example, “Yes, I can use this thinking on my new social and working life and make friends.”

Keep Practicing…

Consider how you might improve your situation by considering what you could do differently to help you overcome your limiting ideas.

Continue writing down your ideas and new empowering beliefs as you figure things out. 

Keep a journal of everything you’re thinking, including any potential solutions you discover. 

To cement these new motivational and powerful beliefs, add them to your phone, on your vision board, or in notes where you may view them often.

What to Take With You Today,

The 3 Secrets to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs, is a tried-and-true approach for overcoming limiting beliefs and phobias. It is exciting to share with you this approach proven efficient by my clients!

They were able to overcome most long-term inhibiting beliefs by focusing on action and thinking more positive.

It is inspiring how many people deal with similar limitations and have overcome them which you can do it too.

Believe it or not but we all have an incredible potential! As result, the more challenges in life you take on the stronger you become.

Discover how to master your mind and overcome limiting beliefs, as well as how I overcame my own limits, by grabbing a FREE Worksheet: 5 Steps on How to Overcome Your Limitations to Achieve Success!

Get your FREE 5 Steps Worksheet Here!

Feel free to forward this article to your friends and relatives and share some hope and inspiration.

Also, add in the comments your questions about limitations.

Yours Sincerely,


Award-Winning Author, Intuitive Mindset Coach and Creator of Take Action Now Transformational Program

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