Boost self-esteem and confidence to success challenge
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Boost Your Self-Esteem and Confidence to Success 

You’re not sure where to start when it comes to self-improvement and how to boost your confidence to success.

Trying to improve yourself on your own feels like a daunting task.

You’re not sure where to start, and you often get stuck in a cycle of self-judgement.

Boost your Self-esteem and Confidence Challenge is here to Help you.

This 5-day challenge will provide you with the guidance, tips, and techniques you need to overcome your limiting beliefs, boost self-love, practice self-awareness and gratitude to enjoy life in the present, and master your mind and feelings to a successful and confident you!

Boost your self-esteem and confidence to success-free challenge by Emilia Sandoiu

The Journey

As you embark on this journey of self-improvement, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. There are many people out there who are facing the same challenges, and who have found a way to overcome them.

In this 5-day challenge, you will receive guidance and techniques that will help you boost your self-esteem and confidence to success. By following the instructions carefully, you will be able to reach your goals with ease.

Don’t wait any longer – start your journey today Here!

Blessed are the mindful, for they will be filled with awareness and prosper. – Mahatma Gandhi

Day 1: Boost self-esteem and confidence by practicing self-awareness

One of the top benefits of practicing self-awareness is that you can enjoy your life more. Also, it helps you to be present in the moment, take better decisions, create opportunities and fins solutions to your problems.

When you are aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, you start to understand why you do the things you do and how they impact your life. 

This knowledge will help you to make positive changes in your life and increase your self-esteem and confidence.

Think about how you feel today; why you feel that way; write down those details or record them on your phone. Keep a voice memo journal or written one in your phone’s notes or on a piece of paper.

Today, take some time to get to know yourself better. Spend time writing and journaling about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Pay attention to the patterns you see in your life and how they make you feel.

Make it a copying tool and way to express yourself freely through journaling. As you become more aware of yourself, you will be able to make changes that will boost your self-esteem and confidence to success.

Day 2: Boost  your self-esteem and confidence by practicing gratitude

say yes to the live, pleasure, lust for life

When you’re grateful for what you have, it can increase your self-esteem and confidence. 

Here are three simple ways to practice gratitude:

1) Write down three things that you’re grateful for every day .

2) Make a list of three things that happened to you this week that made you feel happy and accomplished.

3) Spend time each day thinking about three great things about yourself

What do you like doing most? Once you have a good understanding of who you are, start working on developing healthy boundaries. To know more in detail how to develop healthy boundaries to a more confident and successful self, check my latest post here.

Be grateful for what you have. Next time something goes wrong in your life, take a moment to analyse why it happened and then focus on the good.

Be thankful for your loved ones, good health, and assets. Begin to cultivate a positive outlook by thinking about the things in life that make you happy.

Find more tips on How to Boost self-esteem with gratitude Here.

Day 3: Boost self-esteem and confidence by practicing–self-love and reframing your negative self-talk

Success cannot be achieved without self-love, so start by acknowledging your flaws and focusing on the good things about yourself – your strengths, talents, and personality traits. 

Appreciate who you are and forgive yourself for any past mistakes (even if they’re minor). Remember that everyone makes mistakes but that doesn’t mean you’re worthless or unworthy of success.

When you love yourself, you will be more likely to be kind and compassionate towards others. Loving yourself also makes it easier to manage stress and stay positive during difficult times. When you start thinking positively about yourself, your relationships will improve as well.

This is how you can reframe your negative self-talk and boost your self-esteem and confidence to success: 

1. Recognize the negative self-talk and understand it for what it 

2. Label your negative self-talk with a positive name

3. Say the empowering self-talk to yourself out loud

4. Repeat the positive self-talk to boost your confidence

5. Visualize yourself being successful in your goals

6. Take action based on the positive self-talk.

You can find more tips and efficient strategies on how to practice self-love to boost your self-esteem to success on here.

Day 4: Boost self-esteem and confidence by learning to keep promises to yourself and be impeccable with your word

One of the ways to boost self-esteem and confidence is to be impeccable with your word. This mean to be in agreement with your word and keep it each time. It is an empowering way to boost your confidence to success.

As Don Miguel Ruiz mentioned in his book, being impeccable with your word it is a powerful trait and skill that can be developed by anyone. 

Breaking a promise diminishes our trust in ourselves and can lead to feelings of guilt or shame. If you find yourself struggling to keep promises, here are a few tips to help:

– Be clear and specific about what you promise yourself. Don’t make vague promises like “I’ll try my best” or “I’ll do better next time”. Instead, be precise about what you will do and when you will do it.

Stop using uncertainty and negative, vague words such as: ” maybe, trying, when I am ready, I can’t, I am not sure” etc.

These are lowering your self-confidence and has negative connotation.

– Make sure your promise is something you can control. Promising to lose weight if you have no control over your diet is not going to work. Promising to study for an exam if you have control over your studying habits is more likely to lead to success.

– Find a way to hold yourself accountable. This could mean telling a friend about your promise, writing it down, or putting a reminder in your calendar.

– Follow through on your promise. The most important part!

After you’ve made a promise to yourself, take action, and make sure you keep it.

Day 5: Dig deeper on your childhood passions to find your spark and unleash the giant within

If you’re like most people, you have a lot of childhood passions and dreams. And if you’re feeling stuck in your life, it’s likely because you’ve lost touch with those things.

Today, I’m going to help you reconnect with your childhood passions and dreams to feel even more confident and ready to success.

You’re not sure where to start when it comes to finding your true passion and life’s purpose.

The problem is that we’re constantly bombarded with the wrong messages about what we should be doing with our lives.

We’re told to focus on money, status, and the material things in life, but this isn’t what makes us happy. You’re not the only one. According to latest Oxford research, over 60% of people feel like they’re not living their lives to the fullest.

Think back to those times and try to remember how you felt. Chances are, you were feeling pretty good about yourself.

You were in the moment, and you were doing what you loved.

Now, take some time to think about what your childhood dreams were.

“What did you want to be when you grew up?” Maybe you wanted to be a doctor, or a teacher.

Or maybe you wanted to own your own business or travel the  world.

The important thing is to reconnect with those passions and dreams. The more connected you are to them, the more likely you are to find fulfilment in your life.

So today, start thinking about ways you can reconnect with your childhood passions and dreams.

Maybe there’s a way to bring them back into your life today. 

boost your self-esteem

Best ways to identify your purpose in life and unleash the giant within are:

1. Practice self-awareness and meditate

-Take a moment to stay in silence and think about that time you were 6-8 years old, that little version of you.

What made you happy? What will make a positive impact on other people? 

List your forgotten childhood dreams with no judgment if they sounded silly, never underestimate the freedom and imagination of a child.

Remember, it is because of the little one within, the little you as a toddler despite its size and knowledge being so young, that never gave up on crawling and failing when learned to walk, that you are walking today.

They never complained, that they were too small to stop learning to walk. So if you as a toddler were strong and confident to learn walking, now as an adult with the vast knowledge and experience you have-no one can stop you!

2. Make a list of things you are good at and enjoy doing, can be anything since you were a child until today. Write down your dreams as a child that you still want to live.

3. Take action – Write down the steps needed to achieve each dream, even if they seem impossible Once you have identified your passion and determined what steps need to be taken in order to pursue it, get started!

Commit yourself to making progress each day and soon you will see the fruits of your labour. There is no limit to what you can achieve with enough hard work and determination! So, get started today – your giant potential lies ahead!!

What to Remember Today,

Therefore, these 5 proven steps to boost your-self-esteem and confidence to success are just the beginning of your self-discovery journey and transformation to being aligned with your true self.

You were meant to be here, right now and born to achieve success and greatness. No one can stop you, but your limiting beliefs and self-doubts.

If you did not give up as a toddler when you were stumbling and crawling to learning to walk despite being just a baby, you won’t give up now either! You can only take one step forward to success, see yourself as you always wanted to be.

Feel the joy of success and that feeling of fulfilment to live with purpose.

Remember: You can do anything when you set your mind to it! And I believe you can!

Let’s get you started with this challenge!

Feel free to share this post with anyone that might need some inspiration and a boost in confidence.

Stay Blessed,

Emilia x

Award-Winning Author, Intuitive Mindset Coach and Creator of Take Action Now Program

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  1. It’s true that we must follow our heart desires and live intentionally.
    I love the way you simplify your tips and share them to help us in our journey to healing and growth. Bless you. Shared your blog post and challenge with my friends. Keep writing great knowledge and tips!

    1. Sandoiu Emilia says:

      Indeed we must follow our heart desires and live with purpose. Collin, thank you! Really appreciate your kindness and positive feedback.
      Stay tuned for more!

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