Give Yourself the Gift of Living Again book
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Give Yourself the Gift of Living Again

Learn how to convert your past challenges into strengths by practicing self-love, gratitude and forgiveness.

When Give Yourself the Gift of Living Again you are learning to appreciate yourself and letting go of your mistakes.

Many people are living their lives in reaction to their past difficulties. This is not actual existence. 

How can you use self-love, gratitude, and forgiveness to release your old self and transform your problems into strengths?

For instance how can you practice self-love, gratitude, and forgiveness when the past feels so painful? 

Give Yourself the Gift of Living Again in Simple Steps

1. Break Free From Your Old Self

Break Free from Your Old Self

The first step is to get rid of your old self. This implies you must cease dwelling in the past and begin living in the present. As a result, it might be difficult, but it is doable.

Here are some techniques for breaking free from your old self:

-Identify your old self. What are the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that define your old self?

-Challenge your old beliefs. Why do you believe that these thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are true? Are they true? 

-Create a new story. How would you like to see yourself? What are the qualities that you would like to embody?

-Take action. Begin to live as if you are the person that you want to be.

My client was fighting to get out from under the weight of her previous self. She felt trapped in her past and couldn’t seem to advance. This lady was enraged, intolerant, and rancorous. 

I assisted her in breaking free from her old self by asking her why she thought these thoughts, feelings, and behaviours were real. I inquired whether they were real.

We discussed how her old self was preventing her from living a happy life. As result, she concluded that her old self was no longer serving her. 

Moreover, she decided to let go of her previous self and gain a new one based on love, pleasure, and tranquillity. She is now living a wonderful life doing things she loves.

2. Give Yourself The Gift of Self-Love 

The first step in learning to value oneself is taking baby steps.

Here are three small things you may perform right now to begin practicing self-love:

1. Identify your needs. What do you need to feel loved and supported? What do you need to feel happy and content? 

2. Give yourself permission to have these needs. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need. Don’t be afraid to put yourself first. 

3. Meet your needs. This may mean that you need to make some changes in your life. It may mean that you need to let go of relationships or situations that are no longer serving you well.

A client I mentored was having problems loving herself. She felt like she wasn’t good enough all the time, and that she needed to accomplish more. I guided her through determining what she required to feel cherished and supported. I asked her what she needed to feel happy and content. She realised that she needed time for herself, to be appreciated, and to feel as if she were making a difference in the world.

We focused on giving her permission to have these needs and as best as possible meeting them. The lady took more time for herself, she started to value herself more, and she felt as if she was making a difference in the world. Due to her following my guidance, my client was able to appreciate herself.

Find out more on how to practice self-love and boost your self-esteem here.

3. Convert Your Past Challenges into Strengths with Self-Love 

The easiest method to handle old problems is to transform them into assets. With the aid of self-love, this may be achieved. Because, you are more likely to notice the positive in yourself when you like yourself.

My client was able to break away from her old self and she was able to transform her failures into assets. She now could view herself as a powerful woman. The lady was capable of viewing herself as someone who had the power to face any difficulty and felt empowered!

4. Give Yourself The Gift of Gratitude

You appreciate the positive aspects of your life when Give yourself the gift of gratitude. Because, you are more likely to enjoy life and be happy.

Here are two steps on how to practice gratitude and enjoy life more:

1. Identify the good in your life. What are the things that you are grateful for? 

2. Give thanks for the good in your life. Give thanks for the things that you are grateful for.

Acknowledge the positive aspects of your life. 

I had this client joining my Take Action Transformational Program. She joined as was struggling to find joy in her life.

This lady sought my assistance in untangling herself from her negative mode of thinking and feeling. I prompted her to see the positive in her life by asking her what she was thankful for. We discussed the things she was grateful for, and she recognised that she appreciated her family, friends, and health. I guided her on how to practice gratitude for the good in her life by writing a gratitude journal. As result she would write down five things that she felt grateful for on a daily basis and enjoyed her life more.

Give Yourself the Gift of Gratitude

5. Convert Your Past Challenges into Strengths with Gratitude

When you are feeling down and don’t know how to get out from stressful state of mind-practice gratitude.

In three simple steps, you can convert your past challenges into strengths:

1. Identify your strengths and write them down-Everyone has strengths. You may be good at organizing, writing, math, public speaking, etc. Then, write down your strengths so you can remember them when you don’t feel strong.

2. Give yourself permission to be proud of your strengths-Don’t be ashamed of your accomplishments. Give yourself credit for overcoming obstacles and being resilient.

3. Thank those who have helped you become who you are today. Thank your parents, friends, mentors, and anyone else who has helped you become the person you are today. Acknowledge their role in your life and express your gratitude.

As an example-there was this client that joined my coaching sessions as he was dealing with his past. His problem was a belief that couldn’t move on because of all the problems he’d had in life. This person was thankful for what he had but could not seem to forget about the suffering he’d endured.

Next, I helped him turn his failures into assets by teaching him how to be grateful for what he had. He became more aware of the positive aspects of his life and began to feel better. The client was able to thank those who had helped him become who he was today and soon realized that he had the strength to overcome anything. What an inspiration!

6. Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness

In my Take Action Transformational Program, I offer three steps to forgive self and others that anyone can do.

Step one is identifying the offence or problem.

-Step two is accepting responsibility for it.

Step three is to practice empathy towards yourself or the other person .

One client I coached referred my coaching program to their friend and he joined my Take Action Now Program. His problem was his father’s harsh treatment for years and that he felt trapped in his father’s mistakes. As we started working, we concentrated on step one by recognising the wrongs done to my client by his father and forgiving him for them. This allowed my client to concentrate on steps two and three, which helped him release any bitterness he was feeling. Because of this, he was able to envision a bright future with his father and appreciate all that he had learnt from him. At last, my client was able to live his life with meaning and enjoy it more.

Conclusively, self-love, gratitude, and forgiveness may help you make your past problems into assets. These ideals will enable you to live with purpose and have a good time.

Don't give up by Emilia Sandoiu

Give Yourself the Gift of Living Again book

Therefore, we’ve addressed the following subjects in this article on Give yourself the gift of living again:

-Give yourself the gift of self-love and convert your past challenges by practicing self-love.

-Learn to practice gratitude and know how to convert your past challenges with gratitude.

-How to forgive oneself and others and convert your past challenges with forgiveness.

I urge you to practice self-love, gratitude and forgiveness to let go of the past and turn your challenges into assets. This practice will provide you with the opportunity to live again.

You may start to let go of the past and enjoy your life more by practicing self-love, appreciation, and forgiveness. Don’t delay any longer; get started right now!

Get my latest book, Give Yourself the Gift of Living Again, which explores how to give yourself the gift of life again by practicing self-love, gratitude, and forgiveness.

Give yourself the gift of living again by practicing self-love, gratitude and forgiveness

Emilia Sandoiu

Thank you for reading! 

I hope this post has shown you that it is feasible to let go of the past and have a happier existence. Let me know what inspired you so far on Give yourself the gift of living again and how you turn your past challenges into strengths in the comments below.

Please share this post with anyone might benefit from learning how to practice self-love, appreciation, and forgiveness in order to have a happy life. It’s important to give back.

If you want further assistance with practicing self-love, appreciation, or forgiveness, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I would be delighted to help you in locating the best approach and strategy for living a happy life by achieving your objectives and goals. Get a free 30-minute Discovery Call with me here.

Stay Blessed,

Emilia x

Award-Winning Author, Intuitive Transformational Coach and Creator of Take Action Now Transformational Program

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