How to practice self-love and enjoy your life
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How to Practice Self-Love and Enjoy Your Life 

Discover the 9 Easy and simple ways to practice self-love and enjoy your life more

The lack of self-love and its practice

We tend to give our power away to others.

To let others dictate how we should feel and what we should do.

Sometimes, we lose sight of our own dreams and desires. However, it doesn’t have to be this way!

You can learn how to practice self-love and enjoy your life the way it is meant to be enjoyed . 

According to a recent research conducted in US(2020), millions are feeling stuck in their past, not feeling worthy of love and happiness, and struggling to find their purpose in life. If this is you, know that you are not alone. 

But there is hope! By practicing self-love daily, you can change your life for the better. 

Why some people don’t practice self-love

There are various motives why people don’t practice self-love, but here are a few of the most common ones: 

– They don’t know how to do it or where to start. 

– They’re afraid of what they might find if they look within themselves. 

– They’re too busy taking care of others and don’t make time for themselves. 

– They don’t believe they’re worthy of love.

What happens if you don’t practice self-love

If you don’t practice self-love, you’ll likely experience a lot of negative consequences, such as: 

– Feeling unhappy and dissatisfied with your life. 

– Less able to handle stress and will be more prone to anxiety and depression. 

– Not able to enjoy life and find fulfilment in your relationships and work. 

9 Easy and simple ways to practice self-love and enjoy your life

practice self-love

1.Give yourself the gift of time and relaxation

Take a few minutes every day to do something that you enjoy, without stress or obligations.

This can be something as simple as reading your favourite book, taking a walk-in nature, listening to music, or taking a hot bath. 

The key is to find something that relaxes and rejuvenates you, so you can come back to your day feeling refreshed and energized.

2.Practice gratitude and enjoy life more

Being grateful for the good things in your life is a great way to practice self-love.

It helps you focus on the positive aspects of your life, instead of the negative.

Take a few minutes every day to write down five things you’re grateful for.

It can be as simple as your bed being made, the sun shining or your dog wagging its tail when you come home.

The more gratitude you experience, the more love you’ll feel for yourself .

Discover more TIPS on how to practice gratitude, overcome procrastination and enjoy life more here.

3.Practice self-affirmations

Positive affirmations are a great way to boost your confidence and remind yourself that you’re capable and worthy of love.

Repeating positive statements about yourself can help you start to believe them, and eventually, you’ll start to see changes in your life.

Here are a few examples of self-affirmations:

– I am enough. 

– My thoughts and my actions are my responsibility.

– I radiate beauty and joy. 

Say these affirmations to yourself every day or write them down and post them where you’ll see them often.

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” – Albert Einstein 

4.Take some “you” time and practice self-love

One of the best ways to practice self-love is to spend some time alone, without any distractions.

This can be a great way to connect with your inner thoughts and feelings and figure out what’s going on in your life.

If you’re not used to being alone, it might take some time to get used to it.

Start by gradually adding more “you” time into your schedule and see how it feels.

See if you can find an activity that you enjoy doing alone, such as reading, writing, painting, or hiking.

To discover more why self-love matters and FREE TIPS and Check-ins to support your growth click here.

5.Take a break from social media to practice more self-love

take a break

– Disconnect from electronics for an hour or two each day. 

– Spend some time in nature, without any devices. 

– Find an activity that you can do alone, without feeling lonely. 

The more time you spend alone, the more you’ll learn to enjoy your own company.

And you’ll be less likely to compare yourself to others online.

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.”

Michel de Montaigne 

Social media can be a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it can also be a major source of comparison and stress.

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or negative after scrolling through your social media feeds, take a break from it for a while. 

It’s ok to disconnect from the digital world sometimes and focus on your own life.

The more you do this, the more you’ll enjoy your own company and the less you’ll rely on social media to give you a sense of connection.

6. Invest in yourself and enjoy your life more

One of the best ways to practice self-love is to invest in yourself.

This means taking care of your mind, body, and spirit by doing things that make you happy and fulfilled.

Some ideas for investing in yourself include: 

– Taking a yoga or meditation class. 

– Going for a walk-in nature. 

– Reading a book that inspires you. 

– Taking a cooking or dance class. 

– Spending time with friends and family. 

“The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.” – Steve Jobs 

When you invest in yourself, you’re not only taking care of your physical and mental health, but you’re also taking steps to improve your overall happiness. This is a key part of practicing self-love.

7. Set up a goal and achieve it

One of the best ways to feel good about yourself is to achieve a goal that you’ve set for yourself.

When you accomplish something, even if it’s small, you’ll start to feel more confident and in control of your life.

Pick a goal that’s important to you and put all your energy into achieving it. See it as a challenge and give it your all.

So, once you finally achieve it, you’ll feel proud of yourself and more confident in your abilities.

When you’re constantly working towards a goal, you’ll start to enjoy your life more.

You’ll feel more focused and driven, and you’ll be able to accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

8. Journal your thoughts and feelings

One of the best ways to get to know yourself is to journal your thoughts and feelings.

This can be a great way to connect with your inner thoughts and feelings and figure out what’s going on in your life.

If you’re not used to being alone, it might take some time to get used to it.

Start by gradually adding more time to your alone time each day.

As you get more comfortable, journal about your thoughts and feelings during that time.

What did you do? What was going through your mind? How did you feel?

When you journal about your thoughts and feelings, you’re not only getting to know yourself better, but you’re also creating a record of your life.

This can be a valuable resource down the road when you want to look back on your life and remember how you felt during certain times.

9. Connect with your inner voice

Your inner voice is a valuable resource that can help you connect with yourself and your feelings.

When you learn to listen to your inner voice, you’ll start to feel more connected to yourself and your intuition.

The best way to connect with your inner voice is by quieting the chatter of your mind.

This can be done through meditation, yoga or simply taking some time to be alone and quiet. As you quiet your mind, you’ll start to hear your inner voice more clearly. 

When you practice self-love, you’re not only taking care of yourself, but you’re also taking steps to improve your overall happiness.

This is a key part of practicing self-love.

What to take with you today,

Self-love is an important part of living a happy and fulfilling life.

When you practice self-love, you’re accepting yourself unconditionally, which can lead to a more positive outlook on life.

You’ll also start to feel more confident and in control of your mind and emotions.

There are many ways to invest in yourself and practice self-love.

You can start by setting goals and achieving them, journaling your thoughts and feelings, connecting with your inner voice, and practicing gratitude and self-affirmations.

As you’re constantly working on yourself, you’ll start to enjoy your life more and feel more confident in your abilities.

To find more efficient strategies on how to master your thoughts and feelings by practicing self-love check out my latest book ” Give yourself the Gift of Living Again-How to Convert Your Past Challenges into Strengths!

Give Yourself the Gift of Living Again book

I wish you found this article useful and that it has given you the motivation to inspire your friends and others who could use some encouragement.

Let me know in the comments below how you practice self-love and how makes your life joyful.

Stay Blessed,

Emilia x

Award-Winning Author, Intuitive Mindset Coach and Creator of Take Action Now Program

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  1. I love the way you explain the 9 ways on how to practice self care and I find useful information on your posts. Meditation and affirmations are the best to connect with myself and your writing on here just confirms that! thank you for sharing great tips and your experience. Your second book looks interesting,will search it up on Amazon 🙂

    1. Sandoiu Emilia says:

      Thank you Annie for your kind words and I’m glad you are enjoying my post about self-care and find it useful!
      Yes, my second book Give Yourself the Gift of Living Again is a great book with a focus on how to practice self-awareness, gratitude, self-care and forgiveness to overcome challenges and enjoy life more.
      Check it out whilst is on sale on Amazon:!!!

  2. InspiredEllie says:

    Lovely content and tips Emilia! Keep up the great work!

    1. Sandoiu Emilia says:

      I appreciate your kind words Ellie.

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