overcome self doubt and feel confident
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Overcome Self-Doubt and Feel Confident 

If you’re feeling lost, it can be tough to keep going. You might feel like you can’t do anything right, and you’re not sure how you’ll ever be able to overcome your self-doubt.

The first step to feel confident and overcome self-doubt is understanding why you’re feeling this way. After that, you can start to work on finding ways to overcome it. The best way to do that is by taking steps in the right direction. That means focusing on your strengths, building relationships, and doing things that make you happy. Once you start to see progress, it will be easier to keep going.

With these simple tips, you will be on your way to overcome any self-doubt and living a life of confidence! Start visualizing yourself achieving your goals, being positive and setting realistic but challenging goals for yourself. And last but not least, remember that you are not alone – there are people who believe in you and want you to succeed!

What you need to know about self-doubt to feel confident

Do you feel like you don’t have what it takes to achieve your goals? If so, you’re not alone. Many people feel self-doubt at some point or another, and it can be a big roadblock in achieving success. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to overcome this barrier and build confidence in your abilities. In this post, you will find tips on how to overcome self-doubt and feel more confident in your abilities. So, if you’re looking to take your life and career to the next level, start by reading on!

Self-doubt is a common issue, especially in new endeavours or when you face uncertainty. Here are some tips to help overcome self-doubt and build confidence:

1) Recognise that self-doubt is normal

Everyone experiences it at some point, but it’s important not to let the self-doubt consume your thoughts – focus on taking action instead.

“The greater part of our troubles are caused by thinking too much.”

Marcus Aurelius.

This is how to take action: 

– Make a plan.

-Set reasonable goals that you are capable of achieving.

-Stay focused on your end goal, and don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by obstacles along the way.

– Take the time to reflect on your progress and celebrate milestones.

2) Be honest with yourself

When you’re doubting yourself, it’s easy to get caught up in a negative cycle where you keep reinforcing those doubts by thinking and behaving defensively. Instead, be brutally honest with yourself – ask yourself tough questions like “What are my real limitations?” or “How can I improve?” It’ll help you adapt more quickly when faced with challenges and move forward confidently towards your goals.

3) Visualise success and feel more confident

One of the most powerful ways to overcome self-doubt is by visualizing yourself achieving your goals. Creating a mental image of yourself succeeding can help to boost your confidence and motivation, helping you overcome any obstacles along the way. e.g., When you get a rejection letter, don’t dwell on it – instead, tell yourself that you’ll overcome this setback and achieve your goals.

4) Be positive and make goals for yourself

Start by setting small goals that you can accomplish along the way, rather than thinking about what obstacles you’ll encounter along the way (this will help reduce anxiety). By focusing on the positive aspects of your goals, you’ll increase your motivation and feel confident to achieve them.

5 ) Believe in yourself

Know that you are capable of achieving whatever it is that you set your mind to – don’t let self-doubt hold you back. One of the most important things you can do to feel more confident is to believe in yourself – both internally and externally. When people believe in themselves, they are more likely to take action and persevere when faced with challenges. Internal self-confidence can also lead to better performance from teams or organizations.

6) Be kind to yourself

It’s easy to forget how far you’ve come if you’re constantly critical of yourself. Remember to praise yourself for your efforts and accomplishments, even when the going gets tough. It’ll help you maintain a positive attitude and stay on track towards your goals. e.g., “I am doing well today – even though I faced some difficult challenges. Keep up the good work!”

6) Practice positive thinking regularly

When times feel tough, take a few minutes to think about all the good things that could happen if you just took action – this will help shift your outlook and increase confidence. e.g., “I am capable of handling this challenge. I will find a way to succeed.”

If you hear the inner critic voice telling you are not worthy or good, strong, ready enough, just breathe and empower yourself with positive thinking. Recall your best achievements and things you are proud of and say out loud” I am worthy of success” and “I am enough”. To discover more tips on how to reframe your negative self-talk and overcome self-doubt click here.

7) Be persistent

No matter how many times you get knocked down or doubts arise, don’t give up – keep pushing onwards until you reach your goal. Remember: anything is possible with enough effort and resilience!

8) Allow others to positively influence you

Hearing good things about yourself from others can be a powerful force to overcome self-doubt – surround yourself with positive people and mentors who will encourage and support you in your pursuits! I know how it feels to overcome self-doubt, silence the inner critic and just act upon living the dream. It hasn’t been easy, but was worth it. As I always tell my clients, “Moving forward even if slower is better than being stuck in a traumatic past”.

Find more happy stories, results, and testimonials from my clients and how they overcome their limitations and past issues. I am happy to guide you further on your way to success and share with you the secrets I discovered for a joyful life. Click here to book a free discovery call and discuss further your way to success.


Therefore, to overcome self-doubt and feel more confident comes down to how you think of your goals. Rather than setting an unrealistic goal, break it into manageable steps and consistently put in the effort required for success. You can also try these simple techniques that can help you overcome your fear of failure.

For example visualise what a successful outcome would feel like and become aware of your limiting beliefs and past experiences that may be holding you back from success. What are some other ways you overcame self-doubt?

The way you overcame past challenges could be helpful on overcoming self-doubt and feel more confident. If it worked once, could work again! Thus, focus on what you can do now with the knowledge and resources you have.

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Remember, confidence is a journey, not a destination. There will always be difficulties and setbacks along the way – but with patience and perseverance, you can reach your goals no matter what!

Thank you for investing your time to read this post! To show you how much I appreciate your commitment and effort, I would like to offer you 30% off on my latest Self-Care Bundle!

Let’s make a difference in this world and spread some hope and joy!

Feel free to share this post with anyone that might need some inspiration and a boost in confidence.

Stay Blessed,

Emilia x

Award-Winning Author, Intuitive Mindset Coach and Creator of Take Action Now Program

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  1. Love your posts, Emilia! I feel inspired to enjoy life more now.
    Kindest regards,
    Onna M

    1. Sandoiu Emilia says:

      Happy to inspire and help Onna! We need to celebrate life each day, because is a blessing right? When you feel down or lonely, remember how amazing you are. Blessings!

  2. William B says:

    Nice post, good to learn from you.

    1. Sandoiu Emilia says:

      I am glad you enjoy my posts. Keep tuned for more William!

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