Self-Love Matters
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Why Self-love Matters

Why self-love matters-introduction on how you can practice self-love and develop healthy boundaries for a happier and confident you.

The importance of Self-Love

Self-love matters because it helps to give people the confidence and contentment they need. 

Also, self-love helps reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, which means it’s important for everyone. 

But why? Why is loving yourself so important?

Find out Why Self-love Matters

  • Because people who love themselves lead happier lives: A recent study by the Journal of Happiness Studies revealed those who love themselves are more likely to be happy. 

When you love yourself, you’re happier and healthier because you feel good about yourself and your life experiences!

  • Because it’s all worth it: Loving yourself is one of the hardest things to do, but why? Because it’s hard to love yourself when you feel like you don’t deserve it. 

It takes patience, love, and determination to show yourself the love that you should have been receiving all along.

  • Because self-love gives confidence: Self-love is why people can stand tall after they succeed in something great and why they’re able to get back up after they’ve failed. 

A level of self-love gives you that confidence that you need to do the things you love!

  • Because it’s more rewarding: Getting someone else’s love is amazing, but why? Because their love comes with a reward. 

When you love yourself, you feel that same reward, but not just one person but with yourself.

  • Because self-love is being true to why you’re here: You are on this planet to love yourself and spread the knowledge of why self-love matters! 

Everyone has their story about why self-love matters, but now it’s time to tell why YOU love YOU!

            How do you check how much self-love you have daily? Just like we check the weather, we can check our self-love on a scale of one to ten. 

Ask yourself: “Do I love myself today?” and if your answer is not a ten, why not do something about it?

            Try starting your day with self-love! A lot of people begin their day by checking Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat… why not check in with yourself through self-love instead? You can tweet what you love most about yourself or you can post an encouraging quote that gives you self-love.

            That’s why self-love matters-is Mandatory!

Even though loving yourself is the hardest thing to do, it’s the most rewarding, and why not try? If you truly love someone else, why can’t you love yourself too? You matter too!

Great ways to start loving yourself are by practicing self-care, showing gratitude, being present in the moment, making goals for yourself that you’re proud of achieving, meditating, taking time for YOURSELF, pursuing your dreams, spending time with loved ones, setting boundaries with toxic people, and eating healthy food that makes your body feel good!

Self-Love Tips for Millennials

  • Visualise your goals as if they were achieved already. 
  • Use your five senses; what does it feel like? What does it sound like?
  • How does it smell like? How big is it and what does it look like?
  • You will find that as you practice self-love, you’ll stop needing other people’s approval. For example, why should you be worrying about how much attention you’re getting from others when you can focus on loving yourself?
  • Fill a jar with notes and say why you love yourself. When challenges come your way or you’re having a bad day, read through the notes to remind yourself why you’re worth it!
  • Write down three reasons why you’re awesome and why people would want to be around you. Pin them up on your bedroom wall so that every morning when you wake up, you will be reminded why you’re attractive and why you should love yourself.
  • Spend time with people who make you happy and who encourage your growth. They may not need to say anything; it could be their presence alone that boosts your mood and self-esteem. 

Since the beginning of time, people have been told they are not enough. Society has shown us that we need to be better, do more and work harder to make others happy. 

While this may seem like a harmless idea on the surface, it can cause some serious problems in our lives. 

It causes many people to feel like they need something outside themselves to validate their worth; why self-love matters are why determined millennials should practice self-love daily. 

If you’re tired of feeling inadequate every day–and if you want your life back—then, self-love matters are why all determined millennials should practice self-love daily!

Having self-love means not allowing others to define your sense of self. It means realizing that you are enough, even if other people might not think so. 

It’s being able to look in the mirror and smile rather than stare at yourself critically trying to figure out why you’re all wrong. When you have strong self-esteem, why self-love matters are why you will do better in life.

Self-love is why determined millennials women can achieve their goals in life without feeling like they are not enough to get there. 

It’s why self-pity doesn’t exist when you realise your purpose and potential.

Self-love is why you can just be yourself and why determined millennials should remember to take time daily to love themselves better.

Why does self-love matter? Self-love isn’t about being selfish or narcissistic; but important to living a successful life – no matter one’s age, race, or cultural background.

Self-love check-ins

Simple tips that are so effective at making you show yourself some love. Simply write down why your motivated to do well today, why are you proud of yourself, why have you done well so far? 

You can even think about why you would want to be with yourself and why you like the person you see in the mirror. It’s like a pat on the back!

With this in mind, I have created simple and easy self-love check-ins printable for you; so you can practice self-love daily and enjoy life more. Keep reading to learn more, but if you are in a rush, just and download your free printable self-love check-ins and reflections tips by subscribing Here.

Stop the Mind Chatter

When you’re feeling like you’re not good enough, why it matters to stop talking to yourself, and why all determined millennials should start this habit now.

Do you ever find yourself running a constant loop of self-critical thoughts? 

It’s hard to be your best self when your identity is constantly being put down by your inner dialogue. 

So why it matters to stop talking to yourself and why all determined millennials should start this habit now:

-To focus on the positive! Whenever we criticize ourselves or feel insecure, we focus on all of our flaws and setbacks. It becomes difficult to see the good in what we do and who we are as a person.

This can lead us into an unhealthy cycle of negative thoughts and why it matters to stop talking to yourself and why all determined millennials should start this habit now.

-To see the bigger picture: When we constantly self-criticize, we tend to lose sight of how our lives could be positively affected by small changes. 

We focus on why something won’t work out rather than why it might and why it matters to stop talking to yourself and why all determined millennials should start this habit now.

-To be kinder to the people around us! When we spend time wondering why other people don’t like us, why it matters that we stop projecting those feelings onto others and why all determined millennials should start practicing self-love daily.

Talking with Love

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could talk to people in your head without feeling like you’re talking to them? 

That’s why Talking with Love exists. 

Its why self-love is important, why determined millennials should practice self-love daily – and why all determined millennials should start the Talking with Love habit now! 

Saying why self-love matters can be a little nebulous. 

What is self-love, why does it matter, why should I care?

How do you practice self-love – and why does self-love matter at all?

All great questions! They’re also why Talking with Love exists. To answer them. 

Talking with Love lets you spend time in your head, giving yourself the care and attention that you’d give to a close friend. Its why self-love is important.

And why determined millennials women should practice self-love daily and why all determined millennials should start the Talking with Love habit now! 

Why does self-love matter, why self-love matter, why self-love is important?

Talking with Love allows you to give yourself that same love and attention. 

It’s why self-love is important – why determined millennials should practice self-love daily and why all determined millennials should start the Talking with Love habit!

Love yourself inspiration by Emilia Sandoiu
Love Yourself Inspiration by Emilia Sandoiu

Developing Healthy Boundaries

Developing healthy boundaries is a difficult process for those who were not raised with them. 

The first step toward setting healthy boundaries is to recognize why they are so necessary. 

Once you recognize why it becomes clear why you need to set them and why you need to be able to identify when someone else’s boundaries are being violated.

Boundaries become more difficult to set as we get older because we’re socialized over time into believing that we should do what others expect of us, regardless of our wants or needs. 

People must be aware that having a lack of boundaries doesn’t make a person weak or a pushover, nor does setting boundaries make someone selfish or greedy for taking up space. 

Setting boundaries does make the person with the boundaries healthier and happier because they are then able to practice self-love.

Self-Love Check-Ins 

A self-love check-in is a set amount of time that you agree on with yourself during which you will not be disturbed by anyone else. 

It’s important for self-care, relaxation, or mindful practices, but also for creating healthy boundaries. 

It’s easy to understand why self-love is so necessary for developing these boundaries because if you feel guilty about saying no to others or setting limits on what you will and won’t do.

Then, it’s very difficult not only to say no but to develop the confidence that you can stick up for yourself.

Find out more about self-love and self-care tips and how to use meditation and self-awareness to be present and happy Here!

Before you go,

Remember…Why Self-Love Matters! It is essentially when you value yourself and show kindness towards yourself. This means taking care of your own needs as well as you would the needs of others. 

You rely on your friends, family and even colleagues for moral support. They may make you feel better in difficult times but why couldn’t it be you who encourages yourself when things get tough? 

Self-love is essentially when you value yourself and show kindness towards yourself. This means taking care of your own needs as well as you would the needs of others. 

It is important because it could help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

7 Self-love TOP Tips

One of these seven self-love tips for determined Millennials women should be able to help you get started on yourself care journey: 

1) take time out to relax, 

2) give yourself permission to do something enjoyable without guilt or shame 

3) surround yourself with supportive friends 

4) find gratitude in the little things 

5) make sure your body gets enough sleep 

6 ) eat well 

7 ) stop comparing yourself with others. 

Self-Love check-in printable

These are just a few ways that determined millennials can practice self-care regularly. 

And remember, no matter how many times we fall all it takes simple and easy tips to practice Self-Love daily and get back up again!

Let me know in the comments below how you apply self-love and how makes your life joyful.

Feel free to share this article with anyone that might need some inspiration and insight into practicing self-love.

However, find more free tips on the Self-Love Check-in free printable, easy and fast to use daily tips!

Stay Blessed,

Emilia x

Award-Winning Author, Intuitive Mindset Coach and Creator of Take Action Now Program

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  1. Spiritualjourney77 says:

    Self love is so important to our health and as you explain, we need to keep it practicing daily and to love more.

    1. Sandoiu Emilia says:

      Agree Spiritualjourney77! Practicing Self-love is vital on enjoying life daily and sharing that love. Keep sharing positive vibes! Thanks!

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