the power of now

Your Guide On The Power Of Now

Your Guide on the Power of Now-insightful tips on how to be present in the moment, stop procrastinating and enjoy life daily

How to Identify Your Now and “Timeline”

We tend to think, plan ,dream and forget all at once.

The truth is we are always thinking about tomorrow instead of doing what needs to be done RIGHT NOW.

How does it make any sense to think about yesterday, how things were or how they should be?

That is your past, something that cannot be changed anymore.

But, how many of us are aware that we can do something to change our current circumstances. Instead of just thinking how bad they are and dwelling on all the negativities?

How many of us can focus on enjoying their life as it is RIGHT NOW? Only those who understand the power of Now!

Have you ever thought about how your life might be different if you were to alter the way you do, think and perceive things?

They reflect how you view the world and acknowledge individuals. The Now moment is defined by your timeline!

What do you imagine and envision for yourself?

Is your Now “moment” within or in front of you? If it is within you, you are dwelling in the moment. But if it is ahead of you, your attention will be focused on the future rather than right now.

How To Be Present in the Now

be here now

It’s interesting to know, each person’s life is influenced by their perception of time. Why?

It helps you understand where the current position on its timeline is and how to take advantage of any emotions that arise. As well as act when opportunities appear along the way in life.

It’s such a great acknowledgment! On top of that, it may help you save time and assist you seizing the chance of having new opportunities.

By this, I mean it is so important to make the most of these chances because they could be the only ones available in your lifetime.

The Story…

Looking back, I see that my lack of self-esteem and poor decision-making resulted in missed chances for taking control of my actions. However, through studying for my Master NLP licence, I learnt how to be assertive in the Now and increase control over my life.

It took me years to grasp the Power of Now and to act in the moment. I asked myself, “What can I accomplish today to have a brighter future? And what really matters to me and cannot wait till tomorrow or the following week?”

One of my clients asked me:”How important it is to live in the moment?”Well, It’s very important, I assure you! Why? Because if you’re caught in the past, you can’t enjoy life now. You won’t have a future if you don’t spend time in the present. So, what is there for you if there isn’t any future?

Furthermore, there is a scientific basis for this: too many people are lost and confused in their past because they are obsessed with their prior issues and mistakes.

You probably ask yourself whether you truly live in the present or if you’re simply existing from a day to another. It’s not easy, I understand how you feel. I remember feeling the same way – lost, perplexed, and clinging to my past because I was afraid of change.

I am overjoyed to have had the chance to learn how to control my mind and be present in the moment! Also to assist my clients in becoming more mindful of their timeline, thinking habits and overcoming their fears and inhibitions.

How much we worry about what will happen in a year or ten years? When the anxiety will manifest in our mind because we have lived that long without achieving anything significant? To find out more about how to control your negative voices, check my latest article on Best Ways to Silence Your Negative Voices .

As the past is gone and the future is merely an illusion, we only have the Now!

Emilia Sandoiu

How to Think in the Now

You’ve undoubtedly observed that when you repeat a behaviour daily, you feel the same and have the same result. 

It feels as though the past is repeating itself, with yourself looking at how you lose control of the present moment.

Let’s take a basic example: most people brush their teeth with the same hand (usually the right hand) in the same manner.

Have you tried brushing your teeth with the other hand (perhaps, the left one), how does it feel? It feels new, uncomfortable, or odd? Try and let me know in the comments.

I’ve tried it myself and it was an odd sensation but an interesting learning experience!

The Power of Now

How to Create Opportunities in the Now

Take two minutes to think about each of the questions listed below. You’ll be amazed at how your creativity comes alive as you look for new possibilities, rediscover forgotten talents, and take control of your life.

You will be pleasantly surprised how your creativity kicks in.To find new opportunities, discover how to unleash your forgotten strengths and to step in your power!

To live in the Now you need to just be. Shut down your critique and tune into your strengths and what makes you the wonderful and unique person you are today!

Now, think about each of the questions listed below:
  • What am I happy about right now?”
  • “How many new possibilities am I able to explore today?”
  • “What am I so terrific at today?” 
  • “Why do I have such a fantastic personality?”
  • “How much can I learn today?”
  • “What can I do right now to enhance my life even more?

By addressing these questions, you will start thinking in the Now and create opportunities. As well to grow and practice gratitude, therefore to attract more positivity and blessings in your mind, heart and life.

You will feel alive when you live in harmony with your calling and true self. I’ve experienced this first-hand, as well as through the experiences of my clients. They thank me for assisting them in developing their self-awareness about the significance of living their lives in the present in line with their goal.

“Some people have died in their twenties, but they still wonder around like zombies in their sixties, with no purpose”

Les Brown

Final thoughts

What are the advantages of focusing in the Now?

4 FREE Editable Hacks on How to Be Present in the Now without Procrastinating

Allow yourself the freedom to begin your day with a fresh start or different approach. Even if it’s as simple as brushing your teeth with the wrong hand, you might begin your day differently. You can change your morning routine, or take a new route to work.

Then, leave a comment below and tell me how you felt about the change you made, what you thought about it, and what else you could do differently.

I’m interested in learning more about you and how you view change, the Timeline, and the Now moment!

To help you stay present in the moment and enjoy life even more, I’ve created 4 Powerful Hacks on How to Be Present Without Procrastinating!

The 4 Hacks are powerful techniques and tactics that I use daily, and my clients have found them beneficial and easy to utilise, therefore I’m offering them for free today.

Yours Sincerely,

Emilia x

Award Winning Author, Mindset Coach and Creator of Take Action Now Program

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  1. Interesting article about being in the present. Did not know how important is to appreciate the moment.
    Your question ‘ What am I happy about right now?” made me think about how many things I let go of and should just be happy about.
    I tend to focus on the negative stuff in my life and that’s why I forget to be happy. Yesterday I finished a project that I’ve been working for a while, but did not feel too happy about it anymore.
    Now after reading your post, I know I need to be happier and celebrate more.

    1. Sandoiu Emilia says:

      Hey, John!
      Thanks for sharing your learning experience and appreciation for my article.
      Glad to inspire and be of any help in your life journey!
      Celebrating every win and achievement is so empowering, right?
      Check out the free worksheets on the blog and let me know how you find them!

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